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Journey of a JuBu is a unique novel that combines side-splitting humor with a layman's guide to Buddhism and the quest for enlightenment. 

It's Seinfeld meets The Celestine Prophecy!

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 “…A scintillating, fast-paced novel that lingers in the heart and mind.”

 Valerie Ann Leff, author of Better Homes and Husbands


“Imagine Zen and the Art of Dentistry co-written by Philip Roth and Larry David, and you might get an idea of how funny and unique Journey of a JuBu is.” 

 Chris Belden, author of Shriver

“ ...a  smart, witty novel...liberal doses of humor to explore questions about spirituality, career fulfillment and family.”  

Heather Frimmer, author of Bedside Manners

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